Inspection systems for printed corrugated packaging

  • Optimize print quality
  • Reduce production costs
  • Improve customer satisfaction

Maximizing print quality on corrugated packaging

Corrugated carton board

Corrugated board packaging is considered to be particularly sustainable and is becoming increasingly important in the packaging industry. At the same time, the requirements for the design of displays such as shelf-ready trays, advertising displays or outer packaging made of corrugated board are increasing. Multi-colour printing with complex decorations in flexographic printing or small, possibly even personalized print series in digital printing processes challenge print shops to achieve the perfect quality of the printed image and at the same time reduce quality costs. With its inline print image inspection systems, ISRA VISION also offers you solutions for quality control in the various printing processes. 

Flawless flexo printing

Discover the solution for print inspection on printed corrugated board using the flexographic printing process - CartonSTAR. The increasing demands on print quality are a key factor for a convincing shopping experience at the point of sale. Printing errors such as missing colors, inaccurate register, streaking, splatters, stains or faulty barcodes and QR codes can lead to waste and increase production costs.

Inspection begins with CartonSTAR even before the actual printing process starts. The future print image can be compared with a PDF file approved by the customer as early as the make-ready stage. In this way, errors such as incorrectly inserted or damaged printing plates become visible in advance and can be rectified before misprints occur.

However, the inspection of corrugated board poses further challenges, such as the detection of pseudo defects due to the uneven surface of the plates. Thanks to special algorithms, CartonSTAR detects these "false defects" and compensates for them.

During the printing process, the LiveSheetView function ensures that the operator can observe the printing process even more closely using precise live images. The print image currently being inspected is displayed on a separate monitor. It is possible to zoom in and out of the current image at various zoom levels in order to take a closer look at specific areas during ongoing production. The image size corresponds to the length of the print panel and the width of the material.

As a general rule, not every defect is a reject. Depending on the type or position of the defect, these can sometimes be tolerable. With defect classification, ISRA VISION offers a further function for checking the print quality and only displaying relevant defects.

For defective sheets, however, the finishing line is reached at the end of the printing process. Thanks to CartonSTAR, they are ejected and are therefore no longer part of the finishing process.


  • "Open architecture" - full flexibility in terms of the required detection functions (resolution, color, etc.) 
  • Customization options for unique printing applications (holographic, etc.)
  • Reduction of waste and customer complaints
  • Precise inline inspection of the print job at maximum machine speed
  • High form factor with a high degree of freedom to fit into any machine on the market
  • High efficiency and long-life LED lighting for years of maintenance-free operation
  • Earliest detection of systematic printing errors
  • 100% detection of sporadic errors
  • Substrate compensation to avoid false alarms
  • Automatic ejection of defective panels
  • Advanced defect classification 
  • Job management for different quality levels; adjustable quality parameters
  • Verification of the correct print job and control of the printing plates by comparison with the customer PDF
  • Control of static barcodes and QR codes
  • LiveSheetView for viewing the job currently being printed
  • Stripes
  • Register defects
  • Splashes
  • Contamination
  • Color deviation
  • Missing print
  • Non-readable, static bar or QR codes

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CartonSTAR flyer en

Product Flyer CartonSTAR English
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Print inspection for corrugated packaging en

Print inspection for corrugated packaging en
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Model AG ensures zero-defect carton board packaging

Read how the Swiss packaging producer Model AG optimizes quality assurance and transparency in carton board packaging with the CartonSTAR and PaperMASTER inspection systems. The systems ensure precise defect detection, classification and continuous monitoring, reducing production downtime and increasing customer satisfaction. Find out how the systems offer maximum reliability and help Model AG to achieve zero-defect production and increase overall packaging quality.


DS Smith enhances corrugated board quality and sustainability

DS Smith, a leader in corrugated board packaging, achieves superior print quality and sustainability with CartonSTAR. The two-camera solution with high-performance LED illumination distinguishes quality-relevant defects, ensuring optimized production, reduced complaints, and a more sustainable use of resources. Read the success story to find out how CartonSTAR's defect classification function enables quick adaptation to customer-specific quality requirements and thus contributes to DS Smith's commitment to outstanding quality in corrugated board packaging.


Digital printing

The demand for digitally printed corrugated board is constantly increasing. The big advantage of digital printing is the small batch sizes and the ability to personalize packaging more and more. This offers marketers many advantages for their campaigns. However, quality control is a decisive factor in keeping production costs stable, especially for small productions. In addition, digital printing processes are subject to special defects that are unique to this technology, such as streaking caused by clogged nozzles. For ISRA VISION, however, print image inspection is more than just the detection of nozzle streaks.

The inspection systems of the DigiSTAR series are specially designed for the detection of printing defects in digital printing. They check for all types of print defects: splashes or soiling, streaks, missing print image, color deviations and even detect defects that are difficult to see, such as banding. They also check the legibility of variable barcodes and QR codes.

The defect classification allows defects to be categorized as saleable goods or waste and also provides precise reporting on the defects found.

Whether you have your corrugated board printed using the sheet-fed or roll-to-roll process, there is a suitable system for every application.

The LiveSheet or LiveWebView function also shows the currently inspected panel on a separate monitor in digital printing and allows the operator to zoom in on specific areas.

In the roll-to-roll process, the ISRA systems are able to simultaneously inspect adjacent print images - so-called "panels" - of different lengths.

In the sheet-fed process, defective plates are ejected at the end of the printing process. In the roll-to-roll process, comprehensive reports and statistics provide information on defects, which can then be removed in downstream processes. 


  • Reduction of waste and customer complaints
  • Precise inline inspection of the print job at maximum machine speed
  • Earliest detection of systematic printing errors
  • Comparison with an approved PDF file before printing begins
  • Defect classification
  • Checking the readability of variable barcodes or QR codes
  • LiveWebView / LiveSheetView
  • Ejection of faulty sheets at the end of the printing process
  • Simultaneous inspection of several adjacent panels with different lengths (roll-to-roll method)
  • Comprehensive Reporting of sheet or roll quality
  • Splashes
  • Banding
  • Nozzle streaks
  • Non-readability with variable bar- or QR codes






通过分析来自传感器和监控系统的实时数据, 您可以预防潜在的系统故障。这样就可以根据机器的实际状态,而不是遵循固定的时间表,主动制订维护计划。这种数据驱动的方法可以减少停机时间、提高整体生产效率、延长生产线寿命,从而节约成本。




  • 省时便捷的多产线预览,一个视图显示所有质量相关信息
  • 通过监控系统健康数据,最大限度地减少停机时间
  • 通过监控质量数据,对质量问题做出更快反应
  • 快速消除生产缺陷,降低生产成本
  • 改进维护,减少停机时间,提高整体生产率,延长生产线寿命


  • 生产数据和工厂状态概览
  • 从实时数据中获得实时见解
  • 基于网络的解决方案,无需安装客户端软件
  • 阈值监控和警报
  • 面向各部门的仪表盘,可根据客户要求进行调整
  • 可集成相关的第三方数据,并将数据导出到客户的系统







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Steven Shi